Dentistry Blogs
6 signs your wisdom teeth are coming in
Present at the back of one's mouth, wisdom teeth make the lower and upper third molars of the set. They normally come between the age of 17 and 21 and since this is when the person is considered to have become a bit wiser, they are called wisdom teeth. The interesting thing about wisdom teeth though is that around 35% people never them. People who see their wisdom teeth coming in should be prepared for a few things. Keep on reading to find out...
6 Home Remedies For A Toothache That Will Make The Pain Go Away
It may not be the most interesting topic, but this article will sure bring joy to those who are oftentimes bothered with a severe toothache. It is not a problem of modern times, and historical records show that even cavemen had cavities, but there were not dentists at the time to treat their problem.But, same as this ache has been here since always, there are particular natural remedies that ‘share the same age’ as the ailment they are meant...
Understanding Root Canals: The before, during and after
When you need a root canal? If the cause of your teeth pain is serious decay or infection in the tooth pulp, your dentist may recommend a root canal. A root canal is a multi-step dental procedure that involves removing the infected tooth pulp (and sometimes the nerve) from a tooth, and sealing it to protect against future teeth pain. Not all types of teeth pain are indications for a root canal. But signs of infection severe enough to...
7 signs your wisdom teeth needs to be removed
Pain is never something that should be ignored. If you are experiencing wisdom teeth pain talk to your dentist. And, even if you are not experiencing pain, talk to your dentist about monitoring the position of your wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth removal is necessary for approximately 85% of adults—either because they have impacted wisdom teeth that are causing them problems or because the risk of complications is high. Many family dentistry experts...
Floss or not to floss
If you follow any social media site I’m sure you’ve come across the recent “controversy” over flossing. Within the past week I have been asked numerous times my thoughts on this subject. I’d love to share, but first a little background.The controversy began when the Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services dropped the recommendation for daily flossing from their Dietary Guidelines. Their reason for dropping the...
How Long Is Too Long Before Seeing A Dentist
Although most people cringe when thinking about visiting a dentist, it is an important part of a solid oral health routine. Taking care of your teeth is essential. A healthy mouth will have a positive effect on your overall health. It is wise to learn how often you should visit your dental care provider, the importance of regular checkups, and why procrastinating can cause major problems and expenses.How Often You Should Receive a Dental...
Top 12 things to look for in a good dentist
Finding the best dentist is a bit difficult, but finding a good dentist can be an easier task. Best dentist are commonly associated with up-selling dental work you do not need, constantly contacts you when you don’t want, or they do not really care about your health as much as they care about their pocket book. Patients generally hate going to the dentist, whether it is because of the sounds, drills, cost, smell, anxiety, bad memories,...
What happens during a root canal treatment?
What happens during a root canal treatment?First and foremost, the patient’s mouth is made very numb. Typically, an opening is made in the center of the tooth to gain entry into the dental pulp, which contains the nerve. This access opening is made with the dentist’s drill and the sensation is akin to having a cavity treated. Aside from the usual water spray and dental noise (my patients find that headphones and a good selection of music are...
Fluoride treatments for adults
Are Adult Fluoride Treatments Necessary?Every single day, your body takes in fluoride and loses fluoride. The way you take in fluoride is through foods you eat and water. The way you lose fluoride is through demineralization of your teeh when acids caused by plaque bacteria and sugars in your mouth attack tooth enamel. You can "put fluoride back" (as well as calcium and phosphate) into your tooth’s enamel layer by eating healthy foods and...
How Long Do Dental Bridges Last?
There is no exact figure regarding the success rate of crown and bridges. According to some surveys, small conventional bridges can last around 20-40 years where as larger conventional bridges can last 10-30 years. For adhesive bridges, they last approximately 10-20 years or more. Evidences to prove the success rate for adhesive bridges are not very strong due to they are being introduced long time after conventional rate....