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Is dental insurance worth the cost?

Most health insurance plans don’t cover dental care, so this becomes the key question. You ask yourself, if you can get access to affordable dental care through cheap dental insurance, the kind that won’t break your budget but will help you and your loved ones. In other words, is dental insurance worth the cost?You can search this question online, but you won’t find any consistent answers.You’ll find articles (usually on sites selling...

Why see a dentist for sleep apnea?

What You Need to Know about Oral Appliances for Snoring and Sleep ApneaSnoring is often a sign of life-threatening sleep apnea. Oral appliances for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are NOT available over-the-counter in the United States. They are only FDA approved and available through a qualified dentist once a physician has made an obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis.How do you choose a Sleep Disorders Dentist?A qualified...

Is Nitrous Oxide Safe for Kids?

Did you know that nitrous oxide has been used in dental procedures for 100 years? It’s an extremely safe way to make sure your child is comfortable during otherwise uncomfortable dental procedures such as fillings, crowns, and extractions. Nitrous oxide is a mild sedative that can be easily controlled, does not affect heart rate, and has no ill effects on the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, or brain. Nitrous oxide has no odor and, used in...

Eliminate your fear of the dentist

While people often joke about being afraid of the dentist, for many individuals, dental anxiety is nothing to laugh about. The effects of dental phobias range from feeling mildly nervous to getting sweaty palms and a racing heartbeat upon entering the dental office. This anxiety can be so severe that it prevents people from seeing a dentist for years. Delaying dental procedures can result in costly problems for the future.If you have dental...

8 things you need to know about Invisalign before your visit a cosmetic dentist

Crooked teeth, overbite, or whatever your oral insecurity may be, clear braces are a great choice—but there are a few things to get straight first before you visit your cosmetic dentist.1. Yes, you actually have to wear them.It’s an all-too-true reality, but there’s no dancing it around it: You have to keep the aligners on for at least 20 hours a day or you won’t get the best results (22 hours is the rec, but you can boot two hours if...

What Is The Best Time For Orthodontic Treatment?

What Is The Best Time For Orthodontic Treatment?Developing malocclusions or bad bites, can be recognized as early as 2-3 years of age. Often, early steps can be taken to reduce the need for major orthodontic treatment at a later age.Stage I – Early Treatment: This period of treatment encompasses ages 2 to 6 years. At this young age, we are concerned with underdeveloped dental arches, the premature loss of primary teeth, and harmful habits...

Understanding adolescent dentistry

Understanding adolescent dentistryYou might not be surprised anymore to see people with pierced tongues, lips or cheeks, but you might be surprised to know just how dangerous these piercings can be. There are many risks involved with oral piercings, including chipped or cracked teeth, blood clots, blood poisoning, heart infections, brain abscess, nerve disorders (trigeminal neuralgia), receding gums or scar tissue. Your mouth contains...

What are the Side Effects of Sedation Dentistry?

Those who struggle with visits to the dentist due to high anxiety or stress have found that sedation dentistry is a great solution for them. This approach allows patients to be much more comfortable and relaxed during their time in the dentist chair while allowing the dentist to engage in a more effective treatment. Sedatives are delivered to the patient through a variety of ways, including by mouth, under the tongue, inhaled through the nose or...

What to expect during your first visit to the orthodontist?

Having a straight smile is important, not just for your self-esteem, but for your overall health, too. It is recommended that children visit an orthodontist at the age of seven so that the orthodontist can begin monitoring the child’s mouth to determine when the best time for treatment would be. But what can you expect at your first orthodontic appointment?Our orthodontist believes that your first appointment is more like a get to know you...

Am I a Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Did you know that fear and anxiety plague around 40 million Americans when it comes to their dental appointments? If the thought of going to the dentist ties your stomach into knots, you’re not alone! Here we specialize in helping patients relax and essentially “sleep” through their dental procedures. Read on to determine if you’re a candidate for sedation dentistry.What is Sedation Dentistry?Sedation dentistry utilizes a number of...

Invisalign Treatment Process and Its Benefits

Invisalign Treatment Process and Its Benefits

Invisalign DentistMany adults don’t want to have their teeth straightened...
The complete guide to cosmetic dentistry

The complete guide to cosmetic dentistry

While general dentistry focuses on oral hygiene and preventing, diagnosing and...
Floss or not to floss

Floss or not to floss

If you follow any social media site I’m sure you’ve come across the recent...
Parents guide for dental health for kids

Parents guide for dental health for kids

Prior to baby’s birth, and by the third week post conception, the baby’s...
Patients guide to sedation dentistry

Patients guide to sedation dentistry

What is Sedation Dentistry? Sedation dentistry goes by several names –...
The guide to dental implants

The guide to dental implants

What is a Dental Implant? Dental implants are the treatment of choice for...
Top 12 things to look for in a good dentist

Top 12 things to look for in a good dentist

Finding the best dentist is a bit difficult, but finding a good dentist can be...
Ultimate guide to dental emergencies

Ultimate guide to dental emergencies

Today, I want to talk about dental emergencies that we see in the dental office...
Understanding Root Canals: The before, during and after

Understanding Root Canals: The before, during and after

When you need a root canal? If the cause of your teeth pain is serious decay...
Things to do when you child has a dental emergency

Things to do when you child has a dental emergency

Dental problems for kids may arise suddenly. When a tooth becomes dislodged or...
When Will My Baby Start Getting Teeth?

When Will My Baby Start Getting Teeth?

TeethingTeething, the process of baby (primary) teeth coming through the gums...
What Is The Best Toothpaste For My Child?

What Is The Best Toothpaste For My Child?

What Is The Best Toothpaste For My Child?Tooth brushing is one of the most...
Does Your Child Grind His Teeth at Night? (Bruxism)

Does Your Child Grind His Teeth at Night? (Bruxism)

Does Your Child Grind His Teeth at Night? (Bruxism)Parents are often concerned...
How To Prevent Cavities For Kids?

How To Prevent Cavities For Kids?

How To Prevent Cavities For Kids?Good oral hygiene removes bacteria and the left...
Brushing, flossing, and eating healthy for kids

Brushing, flossing, and eating healthy for kids

Brushing tips for kidsStarting at birth, clean your child's gums with a soft...