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Teeth whitening - good or bad for your teeth?

Is Whitening Bad for Your Teeth?Let’s face it, for many of us, our pearly whites have become more of a faint yellow. Age, our eating and drinking habits, and tobacco usage can lead to tooth discoloration. Even among those who take very special care of their teeth, it’s impossible to keep that white color we all had when we were kids.Many people are therefore interested in whitening their teeth, hoping to revitalize their smile. They also have...

Invisalign vs Clear Correct: Which is right for you?

If your teeth are in need of alignment, but the idea of traditional wire dental braces has caused you to hesitate over seeking treatment, you may be interested to know that there is another way forward.Thanks to advances in dental and orthodontic technology, clear aligners custom made to fit your teeth are designed to be nearly undetectable, whilst still performing the same gradual readjustment of your smile as traditional braces.Known as...

How painful is a root canal?

Do root canals really hurt, well no. Not really. It may sound like a trick your dentist is trying to play on you, but root canals actually relieve the pain!  Here is an interesting fact - Did you know that root canals restore and save an average of 17 million teeth each year?Root canal therapy is actually a relatively painless procedure that affords you the opportunity to keep your natural tooth.  And that’s not just another dental...

Side effects of dental implant surgery

A dental implant post hovering above an incision in the gums.  Beyond any doubt, dental implants represent the best available option for the replacement of missing or badly damaged teeth. In terms of strength, stability, and aesthetics, no other treatment comes close. Whether you are missing a single tooth, several teeth, or all of your teeth, implant-supported crowns, bridges, or dentures will allow you to restore form, function, and health...

What to expect after a root canal?

Here are 5 simple steps to follow before you have a root canal or during your root canal recovery and a few root canal symptoms or situations that can cause you to need a root canal.1.       Take your antibiotics as prescribed by your dentist.Most teeth that require a root canal were painful to begin with.  It is perfectly normal for a tooth that has had endodontic therapy to be tender for a short time after the treatment has...

How to Save a Tooth That Gets Accidentally Knocked Out

Maybe it was a sports injury, a bite from an apple or your child’s head slamming into your mouth, but whatever the cause, you find yourself holding your tooth in your hand. Before you panic, know that in many cases a knocked-out tooth can be saved and reimplanted. You just have to act fast.Take Precautionary Measures ImmediatelyThe first thing you want to make sure of is that you are holding the tooth by the crown and not the root. The roots...

Understanding gum therapy and the disease

While you may think that some loss of teeth is inevitable with aging, it is actually possible for all of your teeth to last a lifetime. One of the ways you can achieve this goal is to avoid periodontal disease (“peri” – around; “odont” – tooth), which is caused by bacteria that attack the tissues around the teeth. Unfortunately, you may not even realize you have gum disease as the signs and symptoms are not always as...

What is full coverage dental insurance?

Because dental procedures are so expensive, full coverage dental insurance is something that many individuals utilize. It saves you money on both common and involved procedures   from a routine cleaning to a root canal. Full coverage dental insurance differs depending upon the company and the plan you choose. However, many aspects are the same.What Kinds of Procedures are Covered with Full Coverage Dental Insurance?The types of procedures...

How to find the best local dentist that accepts your insurance

The dentist you choose is going to be a partner in your long-term oral health. As a result, you need to ensure you find the right one. While most people know finding a dentist takes some effort and consideration, finding a great local dentist that accepts your insurance policy can be an exhausting process. There are hundreds of different dental insurance providers out there and if you want to ensure your coverage is going to take care of your...

Dental care financing options

Dentistry can do so much these days to improve a person’s health, appearance and self-confidence. From barely noticeable braces that straighten crooked smiles to dental implants that replace missing teeth, there is a state-of-the-art solution to virtually any dental problem. Of course, like anything that involves the time and resources of skilled professionals, highly technical and sophisticated dental treatment doesn’t come inexpensively;...

Invisalign Treatment Process and Its Benefits

Invisalign Treatment Process and Its Benefits

Invisalign DentistMany adults don’t want to have their teeth straightened...
The complete guide to cosmetic dentistry

The complete guide to cosmetic dentistry

While general dentistry focuses on oral hygiene and preventing, diagnosing and...
Floss or not to floss

Floss or not to floss

If you follow any social media site I’m sure you’ve come across the recent...
Parents guide for dental health for kids

Parents guide for dental health for kids

Prior to baby’s birth, and by the third week post conception, the baby’s...
Patients guide to sedation dentistry

Patients guide to sedation dentistry

What is Sedation Dentistry? Sedation dentistry goes by several names –...
The guide to dental implants

The guide to dental implants

What is a Dental Implant? Dental implants are the treatment of choice for...
Top 12 things to look for in a good dentist

Top 12 things to look for in a good dentist

Finding the best dentist is a bit difficult, but finding a good dentist can be...
Ultimate guide to dental emergencies

Ultimate guide to dental emergencies

Today, I want to talk about dental emergencies that we see in the dental office...
Understanding Root Canals: The before, during and after

Understanding Root Canals: The before, during and after

When you need a root canal? If the cause of your teeth pain is serious decay...
Things to do when you child has a dental emergency

Things to do when you child has a dental emergency

Dental problems for kids may arise suddenly. When a tooth becomes dislodged or...
When Will My Baby Start Getting Teeth?

When Will My Baby Start Getting Teeth?

TeethingTeething, the process of baby (primary) teeth coming through the gums...
What Is The Best Toothpaste For My Child?

What Is The Best Toothpaste For My Child?

What Is The Best Toothpaste For My Child?Tooth brushing is one of the most...
Does Your Child Grind His Teeth at Night? (Bruxism)

Does Your Child Grind His Teeth at Night? (Bruxism)

Does Your Child Grind His Teeth at Night? (Bruxism)Parents are often concerned...
How To Prevent Cavities For Kids?

How To Prevent Cavities For Kids?

How To Prevent Cavities For Kids?Good oral hygiene removes bacteria and the left...
Brushing, flossing, and eating healthy for kids

Brushing, flossing, and eating healthy for kids

Brushing tips for kidsStarting at birth, clean your child's gums with a soft...